Development of proton beam irradiation system for the NA65/DsTau experiment

Aoki, Shigeki
Ariga, Akitaka
Ariga, Tomoko
Charitonidis, Nikolaos
Dmitrievsky, Sergey
Dobre, Radu
Firu, Elena
Gornushkin, Yury
Güler, Ali Murat
Hayakawa, Daiki
Kodama, Koichi
Komatsu, Masahiro
Kose, Umut
Miloi, Mădălina-Mihaela
Miura, Manato
Nakamura, Mitsuhiro
Nakano, Toshiyuki
Neagu, Alina-Tania
Okumura, Toranosuke
Oz, Canay
Rokujo, Hiroki
Sato, Osamu
Vasina, Svetlana
Yoshida, Junya
Yoshimoto, Masahiro
Yuksel, Emin
Tau neutrino is the least studied lepton of the Standard Model (SM). The NA65/DsTau experiment targets to investigate Ds , the parent particle of the ντ , using the nuclear emulsion-based detector and to decrease the systematic uncertainty of ντ flux prediction from over 50 % to 10 % for future beam dump experiments. In the experiment, the emulsion detectors are exposed to the CERN SPS 400 GeV proton beam. To provide optimal conditions for the reconstruction of interactions, the protons are required to be uniformly distributed over the detector's surface with an average density of 105 cm-2 and the fluctuation of less than 10%. To address this issue, we developed a new proton irradiation system called the target mover. The new target mover provided irradiation with a proton density of 1.01 × 105 cm-2 and the density fluctuation of 1.9 ± 0.3% in the DsTau 2021 run.
Journal of Instrumentation
Citation Formats
S. Aoki et al., “Development of proton beam irradiation system for the NA65/DsTau experiment,” Journal of Instrumentation, vol. 18, no. 10, pp. 0–0, 2023, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: