Banana starch modified by heat moisture treatment and annealing: Study on digestion kinetics and enzyme affinity

Cahyana, Yana
Annisa, Nadia Dewi Nur
Khoerunnisa, Tiara Kurnia
Sulastri, Sri
Marta, Herlina
Rialita, Tita
Yuliana, Tri
Aït-Kaddour, Abderrahmane
Şümnü, Servet Gülüm
Starch modification by annealing (ANN) and heat-moisture treatment (HMT) results in a lower crystallinity compared to native but the change of B crystalline type to A type is only observed in HMT starch. All starches possess two different digestion rate constants i.e. k1 (at rapid phase) and k2 (at slow phase) which may be linked to the preserved intact starch granule following thermal treatment. HMT starch contains higher content of slowly digestible starch (C2∞) compared to the C2∞ of the other starches. The lower enzyme binding to HMT starch (Kd value increases from 0.12 mg/mL in native starch to 0.83 mg/mL) may be linked to the increase in the degree of ordered structure of the granule surface (observed from the absorption band ratio of 1000 cm−1/1022 cm−1). The lower affinity may lead to a lower k1 value. This holds true for ANN and native starch which displays similar k1, Kd value and degree of ordered to disordered structure. Lower k2 in HMT starch compared to the corresponding k2 in the other starches may be linked to the slower enzyme diffusion into the core of starch granule due to the tightly packed structure of A crystalline type in HMT starch.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Citation Formats
Y. Cahyana et al., “Banana starch modified by heat moisture treatment and annealing: Study on digestion kinetics and enzyme affinity,” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, vol. 258, pp. 0–0, 2024, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: