Ekonomik Açıdan Bilime Dayalı Teknoloji Üretimi

Tuncer , Yalçın
PRODUCTION OF SCIENCE - BASED TECHNOLOGY AS SEEN FROM THE ECONOMIC POINT OF VIEW For a country undergoing the process of industrialization, there seem to be two modes to develop technologically: (i) the first mode per tains to transfers of technology from abroad, and (ii) the second re lates to local production of science-based technology. The two mo des are, of course, not mutually exclusive. From the economic point of view, the locat production of science-based technology is tanta mount to treating scientific research and development as investment, rather than consumption. Thus, research and development projects can be evaluated as other investment projects of a country. However, due to the peculiarity of the research and development activities, which involve the academic institutes as well as the in dustry and the economy of a country, the science-based technology production appears to be a stochastic process of branching-off. This fact renders the end product of research and development a random function or variable. Therefore, selection of the best rese arch and development project can be based on risk-minimizing tec hniques of the Choice Theory. As a practical consequence of such choice, mission-oriented research projects appear to be of the type which minimizes the risk resulting from randomness.
Citation Formats
Y. Tuncer, “Ekonomik Açıdan Bilime Dayalı Teknoloji Üretimi,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 1 (1970-1974), no. 5(1974), pp. 74–82, 1974, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/109544.