Bir Örgüt Geliştirme Yöntem Ve Stratejisi Olarak Eylem Araştırması

Dicle, Ülkü
This is a study of action research as a method and a strategy for organization development. The thoughts underlying action research have often been utilized by many scholars and administrators during the last thirty years in achieving planned organizational change. However, a? a method and strategy of change it has only recently been subject for wide discussions. Kurt Lewin and Carl Rogers are the two scholars who have led the emergence of this concept in its contemporary meaning. Action reesarch is based on such new developments as systems theory, participative management, planned organizational change and organization development. It is composed of such elements as change agents, client system, close cooperation between change agents and client system, utilization of scientific knowledge and methods in achieving organizational change and client system's responsibility for identifying organizational problems, reaching for solutions and developing and applying change programs with the help they receive from change agents. Each of these elements have been examined in the study. An action research, model, as developed by a research team at the University of Southern California School! of Public Administration of which the author of this article was a member, has also been presented in this study. The model views action research as a continuous process of organizational change composed of twelve steps. At each step participative management, training and growth for both change agents and client system take place. Some examples of the application of this model, which have been considered as successful, are summarized in the paper. In another section of the paper, some difficulties, such as identification of change area, achieving cooperation, overcoming resistance to change and measuring the effectiveness of the change program, faced during the process of organizational change and development have been examined. The meaning and the importance of action research for Turkey are pointed out in the last part of the study. It is concluded that action research is a method and a strategy which can successfully be utilized to achieve organizational change and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations in Turkey.
Citation Formats
Ü. Dicle, “Bir Örgüt Geliştirme Yöntem Ve Stratejisi Olarak Eylem Araştırması,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 3 (1976), no. 11 bahar(1976), pp. 29–55, 1976, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: