Olgu Çalışkan

Department of City and Regional Planning
Scopus Author ID
Web of Science Researcher ID
Morphology of brothels: An investigation of spatial censorship and stigmatization - the case of Adana, Turkey
İNCE, BÜŞRA; Çalışkan, Olgu (2024-07-01)
The fabric of the modern city is reproduced through standardized and sanitized spatial orders controlled by legal building codes and steered by inherited socio-spatial norms. In this context, marginal areas (i.e., slums, r...
Çalışkan, Olgu; Çağlar, Esen (İdealkent Yayınları, 2023-12-01)
Typological diversity and morphological continuity in the modern residential fabric: The case of Ankara, Turkey
Çalışkan, Olgu; Parlak Temizel, Neris; Akay, Mert; Mashhoodi, Bardia (2023-12-01)
Each city has a unique fabric corresponding to the dominant modes of production, legal control, and guidance systems in which it operates. Any periodic alteration in the settled mode of housing supply, in this sense, poten...
Mekânsal Sansür: Kentte Marjinalliğin Morfolojik İncelemesi, Adana Genelevi Örneği
İNCE, BÜŞRA; Çalışkan, Olgu (2023-05-23)
Kentin Tasarımında Gelecek Kavrayışı ve Gelecekçi Düşünce: Bir Özeleştiri
Çalışkan, Olgu; Efeoğlu, Hulusi Eren (İdealkent Yayınları, 2023-01-01)
Yeni Nesil Endüstri Bölgelerini Tasarlamak: ODTÜ ‘Endüstriyel Şehircilik Stüdyosu’ Deneyimi [2019-2021]
Çalışkan, Olgu; Sargın, Güven Arif; CANARAN, CANSU (İdealkent Yayınları, 2023-01-01)
Exploring The Temporal Dimension of Urban Design Thinking
Çalışkan, Olgu; Stolk, Egbert (Routledge, 2023-01-01)
Urban Form and Liveability: Towards a Socio-Morphological Perspective
Çalışkan, Olgu; Şevik, Ebru (2022-10-01)
Coexistence in Space: Stimulating Encounter in the Socially Fragmented Open Urban Fabrics
Şevik, Ebru; Çalışkan, Olgu (2022-10-01)
Kentsel Dokuda Kamusal Sanat Olarak Mural: Yeldeğirmeni İstanbul Örneği
Demir Türközü, Cansu; Çalışkan, Olgu (2022-06-01)
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