Guide to Distributed Simulation with HLA

This invaluable textbook/reference provides a hands-on guide to the application of good software development practices to the construction of distributed simulation systems, with a particular focus on High Level Architecture (HLA). Emphasizing a learning-by-doing approach supported by examples, the text offers practical advice on real-world development issues for all engineers and programmers entering the field.


Guidelines and principles for efficient interaction on large touchscreens with collaborative usage
Pekin, Tacettin Sercan; İşler, Veysi; Günel Kılıç, Banu; Department of Information Systems (2017)
Understanding collaborative usage of large-size screen systems is important for advancing the general study of human-computer interaction (HCI) as well as for guiding the designers while creating efficient interactive large-size systems. This thesis aims to provide guidance for the designers of collaborative large-size screen systems. It therefore gives background information about such systems, defines similarities and differences in existing systems, compares existing design guidelines and principles, tes...
An Approach to manage variability in object-oriented applications with feature models
Bulut, Ender; Şener, Cevat; Department of Computer Engineering (2014)
In this thesis, an approach to manage variability in object-oriented applications by using a feature modeling language and a simple source code generation technique has been designed and developed. This approach provides developing configurable object oriented applications in a practical way. That is, an application developed with our approach takes just a configuration file including user selections in a pre-defined domain as input and then automatically configure and manage itself with respect to these se...
Distributed discrete event simulation architecture with connectors
Çolpankan, İsmet Özgür; Oğuztüzün, Mehmet Halit S.; Kara, Ahmet; Department of Computer Engineering (2014)
In this thesis we propose a distributed approach to Simulation Modeling Architecture (SiMA) with software connectors via Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) as a middleware technology. SiMA is a DEVS-based modeling and simulation framework developed in TUBITAK BILGEM ILTAREN. Discrete Event System Specification (DEVS) is a formalism that arranges complex system models with a well-defined execution protocol. A connector is a first class entity which performs interaction among components and plays an impor...
Linear static analysis of large structural models on pc clusters
Özmen, Semih; Toker, Kurç; Department of Civil Engineering (2009)
This research focuses on implementing and improving a parallel solution framework for the linear static analysis of large structural models on PC clusters. The framework consists of two separate programs where the first one is responsible from preparing data for the parallel solution that involves partitioning, workload balancing, and equation numbering. The second program is a fully parallel nite element program that utilizes substructure based solution approach with direct solvers. The first step of data...
An experimental study for simulation based assessment of information system design performance
Ayyildiz, Bulent; Akman, Ibrahim; Arifoğlu, Ali (2007-07-04)
This paper presents an experimental study for evaluating the decision support value of queueing network (QN) based simulation models for information system design performance. For illustration, queueing network simulation models have been extracted corressponding to three annotated design alternatives of a selected case study. The design alternatives are produced using logical requirements of the selected system. The performance of each alternative is then predicted using quantifiable parameters considering...
Citation Formats
O. TOPÇU and M. H. S. Oğuztüzün, Guide to Distributed Simulation with HLA. 2017.