Sıçanlarda Siyatik Sinir Hasarı Modelinde 3B Yazıcı ile Üretilen Tüpler Sinir İyileşmesini Arttırdı

Dursun Usal, Tuğba
Yeşiltepe, Metin
Yücel, Deniz
Sara, Mehmet Yıldırım
Hasırcı, Vasıf Nejat


Sıçanlarda siyatik sinir hasarı modelinde, 3B yazıcı ile üretilen polikaprolakton tüpler sinir iyileşmesini arttırdı
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Secondary generation antipsychotics (SGA) were lauded as an improvement over first generation antipsychotics (FGA) in terms of both efficacies and reduced metabolic side effects such as obesity and diabetic phenotypes (1). However, SGAs were still plagued by a plethora of aforementioned metabolic side effects, albeit at reduced severity compared to the FGAs. While the side effects of SGAs had been extensively investigated through different experiments, the exact mechanism of the SGAs on the metabolic disord...
Study on the molecular basis of individual variation in spatial memory in rats
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Despite very extensive studies related to molecular processes underlying memory formation, still little known about the potential differences in the brain biochemistry between “good” and “poor” learners belonging to a random population of young animals. In the present study, an attempt was taken to correlate the individual variation in short- and long-term spatial memory in three different lines of young, healthy rats: inbred Wistar (W), outcrossed Wistar/Spraque Dawley (W/S) and pigmented Long-Evans rats, ...
Molecular investigation of ptz-induced epileptic activities in rat brain cell membranes and the effects of vigabatrin
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The epilepsies are a heterogenous group of symptom complexes, whose common features is the recurrence of seizures. There is no certain therapy for epilepsy. In order to promote new advances for the prevention of epilepsy the molecular mechanism of epileptic activities should be clarified. In the present study the goal is to obtain information for molecular mechanism of epilepsy. To achieve this, molecular alterations from pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced epileptic activities on rat brain tissue and cell memb...
Citation Formats
T. Dursun Usal, M. Yeşiltepe, D. Yücel, M. Y. Sara, and V. N. Hasırcı, “Sıçanlarda Siyatik Sinir Hasarı Modelinde 3B Yazıcı ile Üretilen Tüpler Sinir İyileşmesini Arttırdı,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: