Alternative Policies by Heuristics for Dynamic Scheduling of a Two-Class Base-Stock Controlled System



Alternative Policies by Heuristics for Dynamic Scheduling of a Two-Class Base-Stock Controlled System
Avşar, Zeynep Müge; Kat, Bora (2004-07-04)
Alternative Plan Generation methods for Multiple Query Optimization
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Alternative Plan Generation (APG) is an important phase of Multiple Query Optimization (MQO) in relational databases. It is necessary to generate a number of alternative plans in such a way that the sharing between queries is maximized and an optimal execution plan with minimal cost is obtained. For relational databases several methods have previously been proposed for generating alternative plans using commutativity and associativity properties of select, project and join operations. When all possible alte...
Alternative risk-averse approaches for airline network revenue management
Terciyanli, Erman; Avşar, Zeynep Müge (Elsevier BV, 2019-05-01)
In this study, seat inventory control is considered for airline networks. Alternative optimization models are proposed for risk-averse decision makers by incorporating the following measure: lower-semideviation of revenue from a given threshold level or expected revenue. Performance of the proposed models is tested in a simulation model for a sample network under different scenarios by using a nesting heuristic and simulating arrival pattern of the airline demand.
Alternative Measures of Money and the Volatility of Velocity
Keyder, Nur; Oran, Adil (1993-01-01)
Alternative methods and their comparison for the rejection of condenser heat in nuclear power plants of 600MWe built in Turkey.
Göksel, Onur; Department of Industrial Engineering (1973)
Citation Formats
Z. M. Avşar and B. Kat, “Alternative Policies by Heuristics for Dynamic Scheduling of a Two-Class Base-Stock Controlled System,” 2004, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: