Redefining the Housing Challenges in Turkey: An Urban Planning Perspective



Redefining Urbanization: In the Views of University Students
Demirci, Sinem; Şahin, Elvan; Teksöz, Gaye (2020-09-25)
More than half of the population are living in cities and the number is increasing. Interactions of urbanization-migration-environment is becoming a great concern since increase in urbanization accelerates migration and environmental problems. Education can be regarded a promising actor to overcome challenges due to these interactions. Accordingly, this study aimed to examine university students’ views on the interactions among urbanization-migration-environment to construct a plan on related educational...
Redefining accessibility and space use in city centres as it regards responsive urban design
Kaplan, Hülagu; Tankut, Gönül; Department of City and Regional Planning (1998)
Redefining the concept of public interest in the context of democracy: its relevance to locality
Duman, Betül; Aksoy, Şinasi; Köker, Levent; Department of Urban Policy Planning and Local Governments (1997)
Redefining Housing Problem of Turkish Cities via Housing Production Levels
Özdemir Sarı, Özgül Burcu (null; 2018-06-29)
Regenerating cultural quarters in Pakistan: The case study of Lahore
Riaz, Harmain; Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2022-8-12)
The cities across the world face a constant problem of depletion every passing day, often caused by several factors, including environmental degradation, migration and population rise, deteriorating infrastructure, lack of resources or economic and social changes, striking at different magnitudes. These problems, if addressed properly through planned schemes could result in saving tons of financial and building resources for the municipalities directing the cities. New and modern cities are now being critic...
Citation Formats
Ö. B. Özdemir Sarı, Redefining the Housing Challenges in Turkey: An Urban Planning Perspective. 2019.