Turkish DOM and presuppositionality



Turkish large vocabulary continuous speech recognition by using limited audio corpus
Susman, Derya; Yazıcı, Adnan; Köprü, Selçuk; Department of Computer Engineering (2012)
Speech recognition in Turkish Language is a challenging problem in several perspectives. Most of the challenges are related to the morphological structure of the language. Since Turkish is an agglutinative language, it is possible to generate many words from a single stem by using suffixes. This characteristic of the language increases the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words, which degrade the performance of a speech recognizer dramatically. Also, Turkish language allows words to be ordered in a free manner, whic...
Turkish indefinites and accusative marking
Özge, Umut (2011-01-01)
The paper addresses the issue of the effects of overt accusative (Acc) vs. zero (∅) marking on the interpretation of indefinite direct objects in Turkish. Previous attacks on the issue came up with various associations of the overt accusative case with certain semantic and pragmatic categories. A representative list goes as follows: Discourse-linking (Nilsson 1985; Enç 1991; Zidani-Eroğlu 1997), “specificity” (von Heusinger 2002; von Heusinger and Kornfilt 2005), presuppositionality (Kennelly 1997; Kelepir ...
Turkish “unless” is not biconditional unless the pragmatic context allows it.
Evcen, Ebru; Özge, Umut; Özge, Duygu (2019-06-19)
Turkish EFL Pre-service Teachers” Attitudes towards Multimedia-enhanced Wiki-mediated Blended Learning Environments: A Case Study
Kaçar, Işıl Günseli (IGI Global, 2015-01-01)
With a variety of changes taking place in the role of learners and teachers in the 21st century, learners are expected to be active participants in the learning process through interaction and collaboration, while teachers act as facilitators, creating learning opportunities for the former and monitoring the learning process. This chapter aims to highlight perceptions of Turkish pre-service teachers' of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) concerning a wiki project in a freshman contextual grammar course. Co...
Turkish text compression using Huffman coding
Çiftçisoy, Yasemin; Üçoluk, Göktürk; Toroslu, İsmail Hakkı; Department of Computer Engineering (1996)
Citation Formats
U. Özge, “Turkish DOM and presuppositionality,” 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/78514.