DRBEM solutions of the direct and inverse formulations of cauchy problem for the magnetohydrodynamic duct flow

Aydın, Cemre
Tezer, Münevver


DRBEM solutions of cauchy problem for the magnetohydrodynamic duct flow
Aydın, Cemre; Tezer-Sezgin, Münevver,; Department of Mathematics (2020)
In this thesis, the direct and inverse problems of the MHD flow in rectangular ducts are solved in terms of the velocity of the fluid and the induced magnetic field by using the Dual Reciprocity Boundary Element Method (DRBEM). The two-dimensional, steady flow of a viscous, incompressible, and electrically conducting fluid is considered under the effect of an externally applied mangetic field. The duct wall conditions for the MHD flow ranges from the no-slip to slip and insulated to perfectly conducting. In...
DRBEM solutions of Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations in cavities under point source magnetic field
Senel, P.; Tezer, Münevver (2016-03-01)
This paper describes an iterative dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) for the solutions of Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations in cavities under the effect of an external point source magnetic field placed very close to the bottom. The fluid is viscous, incompressible and electrically non-conducting but magnetizable, and the flow is steady, laminar and fully developed. Both the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations are solved in terms of velocity and pressure of the fluid by using DRBEM. Pressure b...
DRBEM solution of exterior nonlinear wave problem using FDM and LSM time integrations
Meral, Guelnihal; Tezer, Münevver (Elsevier BV, 2010-06-01)
The nonlinear wave equation is solved numerically in an exterior region For the discretization of the space derivatives dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) is applied using the fundamental solution of Laplace equation. The time derivative and the nonlinearity are treated as the nonhomogenity. The boundary integrals coming from the far boundary are eliminated using rational and exponential interpolation functions which have decay properties far away from the region of Interest. The resulting sys...
DRBEM solution of the cauchy problem for MHD rectangular duct flow
Aydın, Cemre; Tezer, Münevver (null; 2017-04-27)
This study presents MHD rectangular duct flow as a Cauchy problem with overdetermined and underdetermined condi tions on the opposite parts of the duct walls. The governing coupled convection - diffusion type equations are solved using the dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM). The problem is reformulated as an inverse problem by using the direct solution a nd solved with Tikhonov regularization. The optimal parameter is computed from the L - curve procedur...
DRBEM Solution of MHD Flow in an Array of Electromagnetically Coupled Rectangular Ducts
Tezer, Münevver; ŞENEL, PELİN (2019-01-01)
We present the dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) solution to magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow in a single and two parallel ducts which are separated by conducting walls of arbitrary thickness in the direction of external magnetic field. The DRBEM discretized coupled MHD convection-diffusion equations in the ducts and the Laplace equations on the shared walls are solved as a whole by using constant boundary elements with the coupled induced current wall conditions. It is shown that, the conducti...
Citation Formats
C. Aydın and M. Tezer, “DRBEM solutions of the direct and inverse formulations of cauchy problem for the magnetohydrodynamic duct flow,” 2017, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/80179.