Debunking the Myth of Globalization

Karababa, Eminegül
Yenicioğlu, Mehmet Baskın
Ustuner, Tuba
Ture, Meltem
Kuruoğlu, Alev


Rethinking the emerging Post-Washington Consensus
Onis, Z; Senses, F (Wiley, 2005-03-01)
The objective of this article is to provide a critical assessment of the emerging Post-Washington Consensus (PWC), as the new influential vision in the development debate. The authors begin by tracing the main record of the Washington Consensus, the set of neoliberal economic policies propagated largely by key Bretton Woods institutions like the World Bank and the IMF, that penetrated into the economic policy agendas of many developing countries from the late 1970s onwards. They then outline the main tenets...
Rethinking architectural historiography
Altan, Tomris Elvan; Özkaya, Ayşe Belgin (Routledge, 2006-12-01)
Rethinking Architectural Historiography
Özkaya, Ayşe Belgin; Altan, Tomris Elvan (2006-01-01)
Rethinking the historical basis for the protection of human rights: The role of universal norms, state power, and social struggles
Zeyrek, Bilge Ece; Bedirhanoğlu Toker, Pınar; Department of International Relations (2022-8)
The continuation of human rights crises at a time when human rights have become a common value in both international and local politics is a puzzle that needs to be questioned. This thesis searches for an answer to this question by critically overviewing the history of human rights, in which the idea and practice of universal human rights have developed by considering universal norms, state power, and social struggles. The 18th century, the post-1945 period, and the post-Cold War period are examined with th...
Rethinking the architectural design process through its computable body of knowledge
Ergun, Eser; Özkar, Mine; Department of Architecture (2008)
This thesis assumes the architectural design process as a systematic study, in which knowledge is stored, organized and operated on by computational methods. From this perspective, the study explores the efforts for systemizing the architectural design process. Firstly, the focus is on the early approaches of systemizing design in the Design Methods Movement. The thesis identifies and evaluates the use of a number of critical concepts in this movement and in recent architecture practice, in order to see the...
Citation Formats
E. Karababa, M. B. Yenicioğlu, T. Ustuner, M. Ture, and A. Kuruoğlu, Debunking the Myth of Globalization. 2018, p. 101.