Demirköprülü, Haşim Cihan
The concept of industrial districts, which first came to the fore in England with Alfred Marshall's studies in England and central Europe, and later played an important role in the development of Northern Italy, has become an important economic development tool for the policy makers of developing and less-developed countries. Industrial districts which are named differently such as industrial parks, free zones, special economic zones, have been adopted by policy makers in Türkiye with the policies and practices of organized industrial zones (OIZ) during the planned development era. With the experiences of OIZ applications that have started in the 1960s, the Organized Industrial Zones Law was published in 2000. With this Law, the governance, planning, functions and types of organized industrial zones were determined. Governorates, municipalities and chambers of industry play an active role in the establishment of organized industrial zones. In this thesis, by examining the Marshallian and Italian type of successful industrial zones and at the same time benefiting from OIZs information of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, suggestions are made on the administrative structuring of organized industrial zones. As unique to the thesis, according to the nature of the institutions and organizations in the OIZ organizations, OIZs are divided into two, led by the private sector or led by the public sector. It is assumed that the social capital of OIZs led by the private sector is also intense. Comparative performance analysis is carried out with the performance indicators determined from the data of the Ministry. As a result, it is recommended to redesign the administrative structure in OIZ applications in Türkiye in a way that the private sector will lead.
Citation Formats
H. C. Demirköprülü, “BUILDING ORGANIZED INDUSTRIAL ZONES IN TÜRKİYE: PERFORMANCE AND SOCIAL CAPITAL,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2023.