Optimization of whole-cell bacterial bioreporter immobilization on electrospun cellulose acetate (CA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) fibers for arsenic detection.

Arik, Nehir
Elcin, Evrim
Tezcaner, Aysen
Öktem, Hüseyin Avni
Environmental monitoring and assessment
Citation Formats
N. Arik, E. Elcin, A. Tezcaner, and H. A. Öktem, “Optimization of whole-cell bacterial bioreporter immobilization on electrospun cellulose acetate (CA) and polycaprolactone (PCL) fibers for arsenic detection.,” Environmental monitoring and assessment, vol. 195, no. 6, pp. 666–666, 2023, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/103368.