Elektro-Hidrostatik Eyleyicilerde Dinamik Direngenliğin İyileştirilmesi

Özbaş, Cumhur
Afatsun, Ahmet Can
Çalışkan, Hakan
Electro-hydrostatic actuators are preferred in the aviation industry due to their compact design and high energy efficiency. Unlike conventional hydraulic actuator systems, electro-hydrostatic actuators are controlled directly by pumps instead of valves, thereby eliminating energy loss caused by leakages. However, the pump-controlled actuator design limits the frequency response performance of electro-hydrostatic actuators, making the improvement of dynamic performance an active research area. This study investigates the dynamic stiffness of electro-hydrostatic actuator and designs PID and sliding mode controllers through simulation. A test setup, including an external load, is constructed to validate the performance of the controllers. The frequency and external load dependent dynamic stiffness of electro-hydrostatic actuator is obtained, and the performances of the controllers are compared.
Citation Formats
C. Özbaş, A. C. Afatsun, and H. Çalışkan, “Elektro-Hidrostatik Eyleyicilerde Dinamik Direngenliğin İyileştirilmesi,” presented at the 24. OTOMATİK KONTROL ULUSAL TOPLANTISI, İstanbul, Türkiye, 2023, Accessed: 00, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://tok2023-mozaik12b-test.itu.edu.tr/docs/librariesprovider68/bildiriler/tok2023-bildiri-kitabi.pdf?sfvrsn=16ceecde_0.