Evaluating Climate Change Sensitivity and Awareness in Türkiye: Perspectives of the Baby Boom Generation And Generation Z

Uyar, Cemre
Today, climate change creates a threat to the future. This global problem, which affects all elements of nature, is gradually turning into a crisis. Generation Z will undoubtedly be the biggest victim of the crisis, as they will be exposed to the effects of climate change in the long term. Although the destructive impacts of the crisis will affect younger generations more, the different generations need to adopt a common stance on solving the crisis because the current decision-makers in high-level positions belong to older generations. Within the scope of this thesis; Generation Z (1995 and 2010/2012) and Baby Boom Generation (1946 – 1964) in Türkiye were compared in terms of sensitivity and awareness level against the climate crisis, which is an intergenerational and global crisis, and solutions that could contribute to the fight against climate change were presented. To make a comparison specific to the climate crisis between both generations, the necessary information was obtained through a survey with 650 participants. The data from this study have been blended within the framework of historical events shaping the characteristics of these generations, enabling an evaluation of their attitudes toward the climate crisis. It sheds light on the possibility of generating a solution to this increasingly critical issue. Such findings enhance the likelihood of successful outcomes in combating the climate crisis.
Citation Formats
C. Uyar, “Evaluating Climate Change Sensitivity and Awareness in Türkiye: Perspectives of the Baby Boom Generation And Generation Z,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.