Bürokratik Kontrolların Sınırlılığı Üstünde Bir Tartışma

Öncü, Ayşe
SOME LIMITATIONS OF BUREAUCRATIC CONTROLS This paper is an attempt to delineate the types of settings in which bureaucratic controls are likely to remain limited in effectiveness. The strategies typically utilized by large centralized bureaucracies to maximize control entail : a) performing decisions through rules, regulations and directives, b) channeling decisions proposed at lower echelons through higher offices before permitting them to take effect, i.e., clearance as a formal mechanism for ensuring review, and c) recurrent and ad hoc investigations and hearings conducted by a special corps of investigators. The limitations of these strategies are explored through a case study of the Turkish Ministry of Education in its attempts to maximize control over a private sector in Turk ish higher education. The failure of the Ministry of Education to maintain uniform practices and establish standards in the private sector reveals, on the one hand, the inadequacy of bureaucratic mechanisms in controlling the quality of education in higher learning. On the other, it makes apparent the ineffectiveness of bureaucratic controls in coping with rapid change. On the basis of generalizations from the case study, two propositions are suggested : Proposition 1 : The effectiveness of bureaucratic controls depends upon the degree to which events and situations likely to arise in the setting can be broken down into fairly standard categories and the course of action to be taken in each category be describ ed in terms of a routine set of steps to be followed. Were such routinization is not possible, bureaucratic mechanisms are likely to fall short of their aim in establishing and maintaining control. Proposition 2 : The effectiveness of bureaucratic controls is related to the degree of stability within the setting. Under conditions of rapid change, the time lag involved in adapting procedural guidelines to the changing circumstances is likely to render bureauc ratic controls ineffective.
Citation Formats
A. Öncü, “Bürokratik Kontrolların Sınırlılığı Üstünde Bir Tartışma,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 1 (1970-1974), no. 4(1972), pp. 657–671, 1972, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/109504.