Gelişme mi evrimleşemeyen-karmaşıklık mı?

Akşit, Bahattin
Development or Involution? The study on which this article is based was conducted by myself and our colleagues during 1967 and 1968 in two Turkish towns m Central Anatolia. Our purpose in studying Kirikkale, an industrialcommercial town with a population of approximately 70.000 and Keskin, an agricultural-commercial town with a population of 8.000 was to utilize a conceptual mode'i of underdevelopment in research on the actual workings of the mechanisms and forces of underdevelopment and/or development in these two towns in particular and Turkey in general. It is beyond the scope of this article to present the analysis o* all the data collected through various techniques during the research. Therefore, in this article an attempt has been made to discuss only the findings of this research in relation to the question of development and/or underdevelopment of Turkey. Developmental changes such as establishment of factories, emergence of small industrial shops, and introduction of modern technology into agriculture as well as "involutionary" mechanisms and processes such as debtorcreditor and usury relationships, accumulation of commercial capital and its investment in non-industrial areas etc., were discussed. A special emphasis was placed on the explanation of the concept of involution in contrast to evolution and revolution. This seemed necessary because it is a telling concept in the literature on social change and also because radical structural changes such as industrialization, urbanization, etc., can only be achieved by breaking through the mechanism of agricultural-commercial' involution and other vicious circles of underdevelopment.
Citation Formats
B. Akşit, “Gelişme mi evrimleşemeyen-karmaşıklık mı?,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 2 (1975), no. 7 bahar(1975), pp. 13–28, 1975, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: