Radikal iktisatçılar"ın ortodoks iktisat eleştirisi

Tüzün, Gürel
This is a survey of the radical critique of the orthodox economics. Here the radical economics is used to denote a current school of critical economic thouglht in the U.S.A. which finds its best expression on the pages of the Review of Radical Political Economics. The orthodojx economics, on the other hand, is another name given to the neoclassical economics which is what we find in most of the standard economics textbooks used in the colleges of many countries. After a short discussion of the Kuhnian concept of paradigm (widely used by the radicals) and of the main causes underlying the emergence of the radical economics, the main elements of the radical critique are summarized. These are related to the main assumptions and certain characteristics of the orthodox economics and to the questions which it does not or cannot answer. The exposition of the radical critique is followed by several observations concerning the radical economics where, in conjunction with its main characteristics, its close affinity with the Marxian analysis is pointed out and briefly examined. An evaluation of the radical economics is not attempted here, since it would require not only an exposition of its critique of the orthodox economics but also an examination of with what the radicals replace it. These constructive aspects of the radical economics will be taken up in another paper.
Citation Formats
G. Tüzün, “Radikal iktisatçılar”ın ortodoks iktisat eleştirisi,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 2 (1975), no. 7 bahar(1975), pp. 81–96, 1975, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/109523.