Türkiye'deki Bazı Örgütlerin Yönetimi Üzerinde Uygulamalı Bir Araştırma

Dicle , Ülkü
AN EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ON THE MANAGEMENT OF SOME ORGANIZATIONS IN TURKEY This is an empirical study on the management of eleven organi zations with different functions, structures and objectives, all selec ted from a particular region of the Country (the province of Erzurum). The study covers aspects of management as Ieadrship, motivation communication, decision-making and control. Data was collected through such methods as questionnaires, interviews, personal observations and examination of official! docu ments. The findings are mainly based on the answers given by about 330 personnel; who were systematically selected to include managers and employees from all hierarchical levels in the organizations con cerned. The questionnaire used in the study was originally developed by Rensis Likert. The findings of the study can be summarized as follows : All the organizations studied have appeared to be formal, aut horitarian and hierarchical and therefore reflect the characteristics of the classical theory of organization and management. The mana gers of these organizations are mostly traditional. The informal side of organization and the human relations are not considered to be im portant. Mutual trust, confidence and sincere relationships between superiors and subordinates are not emphasised. Authority is usu ally kept at the top while responsibilities tend to be delegated. Economic motives and to some extend, satisfaction of status and achievement needs are the principal means utilized in motivating people. Most of the socio-psychological needs such as recognition of one's capabilities, practicing creative ideas, love, respect and ac ceptance are not given due importance. Employees can participate in decision-making only when they are urgently needed. Punishment and threat are often practiced to motivate employees. As a result, employees cannot get adequate satisfaction out of their work. Communication, in the organizations studied, essentially flows in a downward direction following the formal hierarchical lines of authority. Upward communication is based on a formal reporting system. However, it is Limited in amount and is screened before presentation to the next level. Neither downward nor upward communica tion is adequate to meet the needs of both managers and employees. As a result, informal communication in those organization is widesp read. The uncontrolled rumours disrupt the formal communication system. The result is an inefficient communication system which reduces the effectiveness of the organization and its management The right to make decisions in the subject organizations has been concentrated in the hands of a small number of managers at the top. As a result of the extreme centralization of the decision making process, in addition to the inadequacy of communication, most of the decisions made are based on the personal experience and value judgments of the managers and therefore not always rationally based. Like decision-making, the control function is also centralized. The data collected for control purposes is not sufficient and is not usually utilized for controlling deviations from the plans and objecti ves. It rather serves the purposes of punishment and threat. In conclusion, it is possible to generalize the above findings and assume that they reflect the characteristics of most Turkish organi zations and their management, since many of the organizations studied are large branches of the nation-wide private or public or ganizations. Nevertheles, extreme care should be taken before accep ting sucy generalizations. In particular, the regional differences must be taken into consideration. For this reason the study needs to be extended to other organizations in different parts of Turkey in order to substantiate or refute the present result which were based on a relatively small sample of enterprises.
Citation Formats
Ü. Dicle, “Türkiye’deki Bazı Örgütlerin Yönetimi Üzerinde Uygulamalı Bir Araştırma,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 1 (1970-1974), no. 4(1972), pp. 22–49, 1974, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/109546.