Bilimsel Çözümler (Çözümleyici Yaklaşım) ve Büyük Sistem Sorunları

Tuncer, Yalçın
ANALYTICAL APPROACH AND ISSUES OF LARGE SYSTEMS The analytical approach, also known as "Scientific Method" or Systems Improvement", appears to be inappropriate for such macro-political issues of social systems as economic inequality and planning. The main reasons are as follows: (i) these issues are inapt for scientific abstraction and exact definition, (ii) they cannot be solved, but can be regulated and (iii) social sciences do not yield an objective welfare criterion for determination of an optimal solu tion. The available approaches alternative to the scientific approach as defined above seem to be "policy sciences" and "systems de sign". Both approaches are yet to be fully developed. However, they suggest a "paradigm shift" in the existing in methodology of social systems.
Citation Formats
Y. Tuncer, “Bilimsel Çözümler (Çözümleyici Yaklaşım) ve Büyük Sistem Sorunları,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 2 (1975), no. 6 kış(1975), pp. 185–189, 1975, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: