Türkiye'de Planlama Kavramının Gelişimi Üzerine

Küçük , Yalçın
ON THE .DEVELOPMENT .OF .THE PLANNING CONCEPT IN .TURKEY.. In the paper the author attempts to reconstruct the development of the concept of planning in Turkey during the republican era. The development of the planning concept in Turkey, it is claimed, can be best analyzed in a framework of a triangle; but with the help of a four-sided triangle rather than an ordinary one. That Turkey and the Soviet Union had good neighbourly relations in the 'Thirties and the Soviet Union has passed through a successful planning experiment, played a powerful role in the Turkish experience of planning in the pre-war period. Turkish economists in particular and thinkers in general took pains in adapting the Soviet concept of planning to the Turkish conditions; derived many lessons and worked hard in order to deprive plan ning of its socialist birth-marks and class basis. This aspect of the develop ment of planning concept in Turkey* or put differently, the first side of the triangle has been thoroughly and lengthily elaborated in the paper. With and after the Truman Doctrine of 1947, Turkey has widely opened up to the Western influence, in fact, to the American world diplomacy. Turkey has become one of the most important test-fields for too many pet projects of Americanism and inter alia, for so-called "western", "democratic", "macro" "inducive" and "convincing" planning. The Washington administ rations and World Bank felt rather uneasy with Nehru's "democratic plan ning", perhaps due to noñ-áligmiíent policy of Nehru of india and frequently advised Turkey's pro-western governments to plan the economy one way or the other. This made the second side of the Turkish triangle. The third side, the thickest of all, has, not surprisingly, been provided for by Turkey. The pro-western Bayár-Mehdéres regime of the 'Fifties, with a remarkable class consciousness, turned up to be strongly oppósed to any hint of planning for Turkey, but structural and as well as cyclical problems of the Turkish capitalism were on the side of the Turkish intelligentsia and bourgeois opposition which had joined hands for a campaign for planning. The campaign for "rule of wisdom" in the country's affairs and "need for calculation" in the management of nation's economy has been successful enough to get the Bayar-Menderes regime search for planning experts from the UN secretariat. This happened on the eve of the military takeover in 1960 and the 1961 Constitution ruled that the principle of planning was one bf the founding characteristics of the Republic. Turkey, inheriting the Ottoman bureaucratic tradition, mixed with the Kemalist etatism, under the guidance of the top planners of the Western camp, has launched the most serious planning adventure in the non- socialist world of the 'Sixties. This has become a fascinating enterprise, but retro spectively assessed, had been doomed to frustration. In this fascinating expedition, the Turkish planners, with astonishingly naive enthusiasm, have endeavoured to make use of the modern planning techniques, mostly born in the Soviet Union and some of them developed in the States. Therefore the development of planning techniques all over the world, supplied the fourth side of the basic triangle of the Turkish plan ning and as might be expected, this has been called the redundant side in the paper. It has been called so not because they are not useful, but because they could have not been profitably used in the Turkish environment.
Citation Formats
Y. Küçük, “Türkiye’de Planlama Kavramının Gelişimi Üzerine,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 8, no. özel sayı, pp. 79–115, 1981, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/109813.