Nash bargaining solution under predonation and collusion in a duopoly

Sertel, Murat R.
Zeki Orbay, Benan
In this paper, the manipulability of the Nash bargaining solution through predonationis investigated focusing on the two-person bargaining problems with triangularbargaining sets and arbitrary threat points. When pre-donation is given from total payoffsand the greater ideal payoff is high enough, then the lucky bargainer (the bargainer withthe greater ideal payoff) has an incentive to make a donation to her opponent and, as longas her threat payoff is different from zero, both bargainers obtain higher payoffs comparedto the outcome without pre-donation. When pre-donation is given from the excess of thethreat payoffs, there is always an incentive for pre-donation, however, only the luckybargainer gains from pre-donation. For the duopolistic collusion problem, the efficientfirm (with lower marginal cost) has an incentive to give a share of itsprofit to its rival only if the share is given from its excess threat profit under all Cournot
Citation Formats
M. R. Sertel and B. Zeki Orbay, “Nash bargaining solution under predonation and collusion in a duopoly,” ODTÜ Gelişme Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 585–599, 1998, Accessed: 00, 2024. [Online]. Available: