Poverty-Sensitive School Counseling: A Multiple Case Study on Understanding Poverty in School Settings

Sarıcı, Hasan
Identifying the effects of poverty in schools is essential for sensitively providing school counseling services. Although studies in the existing literature emphasize the aspects that counselors should pay attention to when working with impoverished students, there are not enough studies on how this service should be provided in schools. This study aims to lay the foundations of poverty-sensitive school counseling services by examining how school administrators, teachers, school counselors, students, and parents living in poverty line conceptualize poverty, their communication features, and their experiences of working with poverty in schools. Some of the significant qualities of this study are the awareness it will bring to field personnel and the road map for school counselors in addressing poverty. This study was designed as a multiple case study and semi-structured interviews were conducted. The findings of the interviews were analyzed with the constant comparative analysis method. The study's findings revealed the participants' conceptualizations of poverty and the situations experienced by students living in poverty. The features of communication between cases of school staff and impoverished parents were also examined from different angles. In addition, the analysis of school staff's views about the poverty works so far revealed some issues that school counseling services should focus on. The findings indicate the foundations on which the nature of poverty-sensitive school counseling services should be built and strategies for effective implementation of these services are presented. As a result, this study contributed to understanding poverty in schools and enhancing poverty-sensitive school counseling services.
Citation Formats
H. Sarıcı, “Poverty-Sensitive School Counseling: A Multiple Case Study on Understanding Poverty in School Settings,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2024.