Critical Geopolitical Analysis of the Post-Soviet Islamic Radicalism in the Fergana Valley

Ozat, İpek Nil
This thesis analyzes the problem of radical Islam in the Fergana Valley using Critical Geopolitics. In this context, first the historical background of the Valley is presented. Then, the involvement and experiences of the United States, Russia, and China, the three most important global powers regarding the Fergana Valley and Islamic extremism are analyzed. Finally, the policies imposed on the Valley by the three Central Asian countries are examined in terms of legal, political, and militaristic measures as well as border-related problems. Considering the context provided by Critical Geopolitics, it is concluded that the Fergana Valley has become a central focus of policy-making processes for Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan, three countries which border the Valley, as well as for the three major global powers within the context of fears of extremism and the rising threat of Islamic terrorism. Since the post-2001 War on Terror, Central Asia, particularly the Fergana Valley, has gained geopolitical importance and is spatialized for political purposes. As such, counterterrorism policies developed specifically targeting the Fergana Valley and its population should be questioned.
Citation Formats
İ. N. Ozat, “Critical Geopolitical Analysis of the Post-Soviet Islamic Radicalism in the Fergana Valley,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2024.