Usage of genetic programming for solving robot navigation and system identification problems

Beldek, Ulaş


Use of simulated strong ground motion records in earthquake engineering applications
Karimzadeh Naghshineh, Shaghayegh; Askan Gündoğan, Ayşegül; Department of Civil Engineering (2016)
With the recent advances in scientific computing, ground motion simulations have become more common. However, use of simulated motions for earthquake engineering purposes is still not well investigated. In this thesis, the efficiency of records simulated with the stochastic finite-fault technique in seismic demand estimation is studied in two different earthquake engineering applications. First, vulnerability assessment in a selected region, Erzincan (Turkey) is performed with simple single-degree-of-freedo...
Use of Alternative Site Amplification Models in Simulations and Uncertainty Analysis
Muratoğlu, Gamze; Askan Gündoğan, Ayşegül; Karim Zadeh Naghshineh, Shaghayegh (null; 2020-12-16)
Ground motion simulations are used for earthquake engineering purposes as alternative to real records. The accuracy of the simulations is evaluated using misfit functions in terms of seismological and structural parameters computed for real and observed ground motions. Among all input parameters used in the simulations, site amplification factors carry significant uncertainty. Alternative approaches to estimate site amplifications include generic site amplifications based on quarter-wave-length technique, e...
Application of code division multiple access in fiber-optic communication systems
Argon, Cenk; Ergül, Rüyal; Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (1994)
Application of fuzzy expert decision-making system for rock slope block-toppling modeling and assessment: a case study
Azarafza, Mohammad; Asghari-Kaljahi, Ebrahim; Ghazifard, Akbar; Akgün, Haluk (2020-07-01)
The strategy applied in this study is fuzzy logic based decision-making system to achieve a rapid way to assess block-toppling failure instability in discontinuous rock slopes as justified by kinematic analysis that are applied to real cases. Referring to fuzzy logic based decision-making; the best option was selected from multiple fuzzy variables through performing a comparison and by obtaining the fastest solution for approximation. The expert system offers a capable fuzzy application for engineering judg...
Use of GIS as a supporting tool for environmental risk assessment and emergency response plans
Girgin, S; Ünlü, Kahraman; Yetiş, Ülkü (2002-10-16)
Although occurrence of disasters cannot be prevented completely, it is possible to minimize their hazards by taking precautions and applying effective emergency response plans. In addition to measures taken to reduce economical and human losses, an environmental dimension is required in these plans to control environmental pollution and lessen possible adverse effects on both ecosystems and human health, which in the long term may cost much more than direct disaster losses. Technological accidents triggered...
Citation Formats
U. Beldek, “Usage of genetic programming for solving robot navigation and system identification problems,” Middle East Technical University, 2001.