Scientific careers and ideological profiles of science olympiad participants from Fethullah Gülen and other secondary schools in Turkey

Kocabaş, Özlem
This study attempts to explore the scientific careers and ideological profiles of former Olympiad participant scientists. The research carried out via the Internet is to understand the differences in reproductive function of different high school types. Firstly, it elaborates on the transformation of the education field into an area of struggle together with the alteration in the policies of the State as to educational understanding. Secondly, it focuses on the education understanding of the Gülen Community, which has become a part of struggle in education field to affect the reproductive function of education. Lastly, this study aims to depict the varieties in their scientific careers and ideological profiles of the former Olympiad participants who graduated from different types of high schools.


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Citation Formats
Ö. Kocabaş, “Scientific careers and ideological profiles of science olympiad participants from Fethullah Gülen and other secondary schools in Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2006.