Coming out as a political act in lgbt movement in Turkey

Ertetik, İlay
This thesis analyzes the coming out action of individuals through perception of political identity. Instead of considering coming out as an individual experience, it is discussed as a political action that effects the others around the individual. This political action is examined from the Queer Theory’s perspective of subverting the gender norms. The coming out experience of lesbians, gays and bisexuals not only has an impact of their personal environment, but also effects their relation to the LGBT movement. The importance of coming out in LGBT movement is explained through the interviews with lesbians, gays and bisexuals. Where they place themselves politically in their socialization process is analyzed. LGBT movement’s historical background is introduced and compared with the movement in Turkey. The issues originate from Turkish society’s social structure is indicated through interviews.


Discourse on human rights : representation of the idea in Turkish human right
Duduhacıoğlu, Başak; Rittersberger Tılıç, Helga İda; Department of Sociology (2012)
The main concern of this thesis is to analyze the transformation of domestic human rights discourse by looking at the shifting representations of the idea of human rights. The representation of the idea of human rights in ‘Turkey Human Rights Movement Conferences’ in different political contexts during the period 1998-2010 is evaluated with reference to three areas of literature on the idea of human rights and with a social constructionist perspective which begins with the proposition that ideas and practic...
Nationalism and the ‘inter-national’: a critical survey of internalist thinking within theories of nationalism
Özeniş, Çağdaş; Yalvaç, Faruk; Department of International Relations (2015)
This thesis aims to critically survey the role of the “international” in theories of nationalism. It will be argued that even though a great majority of theories of nationalism have emphasized the causality between international factors and social dynamics, these two domains still remain as analytically distinct categories within their theoretical frameworks. This in turn serves the reproduction of the internalist thinking which prevails within social sciences, through the dichotomization of internal (socio...
Empowering Critical International Theory by Applying Action Research Methodology to its Inquiry
Kurtbağ, Ömer (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2011-4)
This paper analyzes the influence and relevance of Gramscian and Habermasian critical international theories within the context of recent developments in the world politics that do not function in favour of these discourses’ emancipatory objectives and projections. It first looks at their emergence as alternative paradigms to the traditional conceptualizations in the discipline of IR and then compares the roots of their theoretical positions and their contribution to the analysis of international politics. ...
Heideggerrian Existentialism and Post-Marxism
Ertuğrul, Kürşad (2006-01-01)
In this article, the articulation of Heideggerian existentialism to the post-Marxist theory of politics isexamined critically. With this articulation, post-Marxism aims to grant politics an ontological statusby using concepts which are detached from their philosophical context. The article argues that thisarticulation is problematic, as the theoretical and philosophical problems generated by thisincorporation remain unresolved. However, it also argues that this problematic articulation revealsth...
Worldviews and ideological orientations: an integration of polarity theory, dual process model, and moral foundations theory
Sayılan, Gülden; Cingöz Ulu, Banu; Department of Psychology (2018)
Scholars in the field of political psychology examined the psychological factors that underlie political orientation and contributed greatly to our understanding of the concept. However, there is still more to learn on the processes by which these factors result in ideological orientations. Integration of worldviews in the study of ideology would be valuable since they have effects on a wide range of sociopolitical beliefs attitudes and they show the route from feelings and ideas about everything, to concre...
Citation Formats
İ. Ertetik, “Coming out as a political act in lgbt movement in Turkey,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2010.