Trade and convergence : an evaluation for Turkey and EU-15

Alkan, Gözde
This thesis investigates the relation between trade and convergence for Turkey and EU-15 in the period 1980-2008. The countries and time period are selected because Turkey has intensive trade relation with EU-15, and these economies had experienced conversion in their economic structures and adopted liberal economic policies, as well as liberal trade policies in this period. Using panel data methods two equations are estimated; an income dispersion equation for the impact of bilateral trade on per capita income differences and a gravity model of trade for the impact of per capita income differences on bilateral trade. Overall findings of this study give strong evidence for the hypothesis that trade causes convergence, whereas weaker support for the thesis that convergence causes trade.


Terms of trade and economic development in Turkey since 1970
Tuğan, Mustafa; Somel, A.muhittin Cem; Department of Economics (2006)
In this thesis, the terms of trade changes in Turkey since 1970 are analyzed. In the 1970s, Turkey faced strong terms of trade declines mainly due to two oil price shocks. Rapid diversification of Turkish exports into manufactures was instrumental in avoiding further declines in its terms of trade in the 1980s. However, the slow pace of the diversification into more skill- and technology-intensive manufactures in Turkey combined with the fallacy of composition problem in low-tech, labourintensive manufactur...
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Domestic credit expansion, capital flows and current account imbalances : empirical analyses for Brazil and Turkey
Yaman, Yasemin; Gaygısız Lajunen, Esma; Department of Economics (2012)
This thesis analyzes the interactions between domestic credit expansion, capital inflows and current account imbalances in a framework of empirical models carried out for Brazil and Turkey. In this context, three vector autoregressive (VAR) models are specified covering the time period between January 2002 and March 2012 for Brazil and 2003 January and 2012 March for Turkey. Real effective exchange rate (REER) and relative yield spreads formed with country specific Embi + indexes are also included in the es...
Economic Crises in Turkey and Pathways to the Future
Çınar, Süleyman Kürşat (2015-04-03)
This paper investigates the Turkish economy within a comparative historical framework. In light of a thorough discussion of Turkish economic crises in the post-1980 period, the paper explores Turkey's contemporary strengths and weaknesses in the global economic arena by comparing it with its peers and developed nations. The paper also highlights Turkey's extant economic vulnerabilities, especially its current account deficit, volatile international capital flows and ongoing banking sector problems. Along wi...
Export behavior of the Turkish manufacturing firms, 1989-2010 period
Demirhan Atabek, Aslıhan; Ercan, Hakan; Department of Economics (2013)
Using firm-level data of manufacturing sector during the period 1989-2010, this thesis explored the export behavior of firms in Turkey. Up to date, Turkey’s export performance has been analyzed from macro perspective extensively. However, far too little attention has been paid to firm-level analysis contrary to ongoing and growing empirical literature. The preliminary analysis revealed the superiority of exporting firms. Both self-selection and learning-by-exporting are found to be valid explanation for the...
Citation Formats
G. Alkan, “ Trade and convergence : an evaluation for Turkey and EU-15,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2011.