Refinement of benefit-cost analysis results for highway projects

Özkan Erdal, Nilhan


Improving performance of index insurance using crop models and phenological monitoring
Afshar, Mahdı Hesamı ; Parkes, Ben; Hufkens, Koen; Ceballos, Francisco (2020-05-04)
Extreme weather events pose significant risks to the livelihoods of smallholder farmers across Asia and Africa. Weather index-based insurance provides a potential solution to mitigate risks caused by crop failures, providing farmers with a payout in the event of a poor harvest. It also reduces costs relative to traditional indemnity insurance by eliminating the need for resource-intensive, in-situ assessment of losses. However, one challenge associated with weather index-based insurance is basis risk – wher...
Improving the Performance of Index Insurance Using Crop Models and Phenological Monitoring
Afshar, Mahdı Hesamı ; Higginbottom, Thomas P.; Parkes, Ben; Hufkens, Koen; Mansabdar, Sanjay; Ceballos, Francisco; Kramer, Berber (2021-03-01)
Extreme weather events cause considerable damage to the livelihoods of smallholder farmers globally. Whilst index insurance can help farmers cope with the financial consequences of extreme weather, a major challenge for index insurance is basis risk, where insurance payouts correlate poorly with actual crop losses. We analyse to what extent the use of crop simulation models and crop phenology monitoring can reduce basis risk in index insurance. Using a biophysical process-based crop model (Agricultural Prod...
Improvement of statistical landslide susceptibility mapping by using spatial and global regression methods in the case of More and Romsdal (Norway)
Erener, Arzu; Düzgün, Hafize Şebnem (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2010-03-01)
Statistical models are one of the most preferred methods among many landslide susceptibility assessment methods. As landslide occurrences and influencing factors have spatial variations, global models like neural network or logistic regression (LR) ignore spatial dependence or autocorrelation characteristics of data between the observations in susceptibility assessment. However, to assess the probability of landslide within a specified period of time and within a given area, it is important to understand th...
Redefining the Role of Language in a Globalized World
Yu, Xiaoli (IGI Global, 2021-01-01)
This chapter tackles the critical changes that have occurred in English language education in different countries under the progress of globalization. Adhering to comprehensiveness, the changes in representative countries across different categories are discussed. The division of the categories is based upon Kachru’s (1992) Three Circle Model, namely the Inner Circle, the Outer Circle, and the Expanding Circle. Within each circle, two representative countries are addressed. Major changes related to the fiel...
Refinements in biostratigraphy of the foraminiferal zone MFZ11 (late early Visean, Mississippian) in the Cebecikoy Limestone (Istanbul Terrane, NW Turkey) and palaeogeographic implications
OKUYUCU, CENGİZ; Vachard, Daniel; Göncüoğlu, Mehmet Cemal (2013-01-01)
The Cebecikoy Limestone from the Variscan flysch of the Istanbul Terrane is assigned to the foraminiferal MFZ11 zone (late early Visean, formerly V2a). This zone is essentially the range zone of Uralodiscus rotundus. Additional bioevents are proposed for characterizing the upper part of this biozone (MFZ11B subzone): the LAD of Eoendothyranopsis and the FAD of Pararchaediscus and Conilidiscus. The majority of foraminifers and algae, belonging locally to MFZ11 are well-known, except for the following taxa: I...
Citation Formats
N. Özkan Erdal, “Refinement of benefit-cost analysis results for highway projects,” Middle East Technical University, 2000.