Constrained nonlinear least squares estimation: a milk production study

Orman, Mehmet N.


Constrained discrete-time optimal control of uncertain systems with adaptive Lyapunov redesign
ALTINTAS, Oguz Han; Turgut, Ali Emre (2021-01-01)
All rights reserved.In this paper, the conventional estimation-based receding horizon control paradigm is enhanced by using functional approximation, the adaptive modifications on state estimation and convex projection notion from optimization theory. The mathematical formalism of parameter adaptation and uncertainty estimation procedure are based on the redesign of optimal state estimation in discrete-time. By using Lyapunov stability theory, it is shown that the online approximation of uncertainties acti...
Constrained Clustering of Uncertain Data
Dinler, Derya; Tural, Mustafa Kemal (null; 2016-11-13)
Robust multivariate adaptive regression splines under cross-polytope uncertainty: an application in a natural gas market
Özmen, Ayşe; Zinchenko, Yuriy; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm (2022-01-01)
Currently, the presence of data uncertainty and noise raises critical issues to be handled on both theoretical and computational grounds. Therefore, robustification and robust optimization have gained attention from theoretical and practical points of view for the establishment of a modeling framework in mathematical optimization to immunize solutions against diverse uncertainties. Data of both the input and output variables, underlying the problems to be addressed, are affected by the noise of different ki...
Robust conditional value–at–risk under parallelpipe uncertainty: an application to portfolio optimization
Kara, Güray; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm; Department of Financial Mathematics (2016)
In markets with high uncertainties, the trade–off between maximizing expected return and minimizing the risk is one of the main challenges in modeling and decision making. Since investors mostly shape their invested amounts towards certain assets and their risk version level according to their returns; scientists and practitioners has done studies on this subject since the beginning of the stock markets’ establishment. Developments and inventions in the mathematical optimization provide a wide range of solu...
Nonlinear Decentralized Data Fusion with Generalized Inverse Covariance Intersection
Noack, Benjamin; Orguner, Umut; Hanebeck, Uwe D. (2019-01-01)
Decentralized data fusion is a challenging task even for linear estimation problems. Nonlinear estimation renders data fusion even more difficult as dependencies among the nonlinear estimates require complicated parameterizations. It is nearly impossible to reconstruct or keep track of dependencies. Therefore, conservative approaches have become a popular solution to nonlinear data fusion. As a generalization of Covariance Intersection, exponential mixture densities have been widely applied for nonlinear fu...
Citation Formats
M. N. Orman, “Constrained nonlinear least squares estimation: a milk production study,” Middle East Technical University, 1991.