6785/1605 sayılı imar yasasının 42. maddesine eleştirel yaklaşım.

Kıral, Ömer


Grassroots resistance against urban renewal : the case of Güzeltepe, İstanbul
Ergin, Nezihe Başak; Rittersberger Tılıç, Helga İda; Department of Sociology (2006)
The aim of this study is to contribute to the urban social movement literature of Turkey which is lacking particularly for “gecekondu resistance” and to reveal and study the gecekondu resistance as a grassroots movement against the demolition of gecekondus, in the name of urban renewal projects in Istanbul, especially since 2004. It also investigates the “urban social movement” concept whose meaning is under discussion in the literature due to its usage in different aspects of resistance in the urban area. ...
Kentsel Tasarım Yarışmalarından Öğrenmek
Yoncacı Arslan, Pelin (2020-09-10)
Impacts of urban renewal policies : the case of Tarlabaşı-İstanbul
Sakızlıoğlu, Nur Bahar; Rittersberger Tılıç, Helga İda; Department of Sociology (2007)
Istanbul of 2000s has experienced a shift in urban policy approach from leading and maneuvering uneven, excessive and speculative urban growth, towards managing ‘urban transformation’ that has been put implementation with urban (re)development / renewal / regeneration / revitalization initiatives. To examine the rise of these new policies for ‘urban transformation’ in Istanbul of the 2000s for the entire restructuring of the city is the first and comprehensive aim of this study. In this respect, the politic...
Kentsel Sürdürülebilirlik ve Planlama
Gedikli, Bahar (2017-03-01)
Kentsel Altyapı
Şenyel Kürkçüoğlu, Müzeyyen Anıl (null, Imge Kitabevi, 2017-01-01)
Citation Formats
Ö. Kıral, “6785/1605 sayılı imar yasasının 42. maddesine eleştirel yaklaşım.,” Middle East Technical University, 1980.