Linguistic discourse in architecture

Basa, İnci


Language learning from the perspective of nonlinear dynamic systems
Hohenberger, Annette Edeltraud; Peltzer-Karpf, Annemarie (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2009-01-01)
This article outlines a nonlinear dynamic systems approach to language learning on the basis of developmental cognitive neuroscience. Language learning, on this view, is a process of experience-dependent shaping and selection of broadly defined domain-general and domain-specific genetic predispositions. The central concept of development is (neuro) cognitive,e growth in terms of self-organization. Linguistic structure-building is synergetic and emergent insofar as the acquisition of a critical mass of eleme...
Power and Meaning Making in an EAP Classroom: Engaging with the Everyday
Yigitoglu, Nur (2016-04-01)
Linguistic Reflections on Psychotherapy: Change in Usage of The First Person Pronoun in Information Structure Positions
Demiray, Cigdem Kose; Gençöz, Tülin (2018-08-01)
Aim of present study was to understand changes in speech of clients with regard to certain linguistic features from 5th to 15th session of psychotherapy. First person pronoun use in information structure positions were analyzed in speech of clients. Participants of this study were 11 psychotherapists (clinical psychology master and doctorate students) and 16 clients (applicants to AYNA Psychotherapy Unit). In present study word count results of clinets' speeches were analyzed by ANOVA method. According to r...
Construction of 'new worker' in the post 1980 Turkey: an analysis of discourse of Türk-İş, Hak-İş and Disk
Deli, Volkan; Beşpınar Akgüner, Fatma Umut; Department of Sociology (2010)
This study aims at understanding the discursiveness of Türk-İş, Hak-İş and DİSK against the neoliberal policies textually and discursively shaped by the governments and employers in the years between 1980 and 2003 in Turkey. In this sense, Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis and Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory constitute the theoretical framework of this study. In this theoretical perspective, this study analyzes discourses of the labor confederations in four historical moments called Janua...
Language learning in conflictual contexts: a study of Turkish Cypriot adolescents learning Greek in Cyprus
Tum, Danyal Oztas; Kunt, Naciye; Kunt, Mehmet (Informa UK Limited, 2016-05-03)
The Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot communities in Cyprus have been divided for the last five decades. This study investigated whether the recent introduction of Greek language studies in Turkish Cypriot secondary schools affects students' attitudes towards the language, its speakers and culture, and motivation to study the language. Findings revealed that students studying Greek (experimental group) report having more positive attitudes towards Greek, its culture, and speakers and are more motivated to s...
Citation Formats
İ. Basa, “Linguistic discourse in architecture,” Ph.D. - Doctoral Program, Middle East Technical University, 2000.