Tarihi Kent Dokusunu Yansıtan Kent Mobilyası Ailesi Çalıştayı Sonuçlarının Sunumu



The effects of local conservation capacity to the maintenance of historic city centers as a governance process : Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa case study area
Belge, Burak; Tuna, Numan; Department of Architecture (2012)
In Turkey, although there are many similar implemented or ongoing conservation interventions, some of historic city centers are in better condition than other ones in terms of urban conservation. Conservation discourse describes the conservation of historic city centers as a shared and sustaining responsibility of various actors. At that point, locality is essential because of near and directs relations with historic environment. However, there are basic problems to develop a synergy based on shared respons...
Tarihi Kentsel Peyzajlar ve Ulaşım İkileminin Sürdürülebilir Kentsel Hareketlilik Kapsamında Ele Alınması Antalya Kaleiçi Örneği
Uluç, Aynur; Bilgin Altınöz, Ayşe Güliz (null; 2015-12-08)
Tarihi kentler geçmiş dönemlerin fiziki, sosyal, kültürel, ekonomik ve teknik koşullarının bugün yaşayan yan-sımalarıdır. Bu alanlar kendilerine yüklenen farklı işlevler ve değişen yaşam şekilleriyle birlikte artan yolculuk talebiyle karşı karşıya kalmışlardır. Hâlbuki bu alanlar bugünkü trafik ve ulaşım koşullarına uygun değildirler çünkü bu kentler ulaşım ve trafik altyapısı dâhil olmak üzere birçok açıdan bugünün ihtiyaçlarına cevap verebi-lecek altyapıya sahip değildirler. Ayrıca bu kentlerde bugün yaşa...
Increasing walkability capacity of historic city centers : the case of Mersin
Belge, Züleyha Sara; Akkar Ercan, Zübeyde Müge; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2012)
Sustainability, livability and quality of life have become widely and in-depth discussed issues in the literature of urban zlanning and design. This study primarily aims to investigate the concept of walkability as a part of the literature on livability. To draw a wider theoretical framework for this study, it first seeks to answer the questions of what the terms of ‘livability’ and ‘quality of life’ mean, and what components they constitute. Then, it focuses on the concept of ‘walkability’ as one of the ma...
Tarihi Kent Merkezlerinde Dönüşüm. Hamamönü Sokak Sağlıklaştırma Projesi Örneği.
Ersoy, Melih(2010-12-31)
An investigation on the water supply and drainage systems of historical turkish baths
Dişli, Gülşen; Tavukçuoğlu, Ayşe; Department of Architecture (2008)
Historical Turkish baths still keeping their functional systems represent their original architectural and building technologies. Studies on the functional systems of historical baths are therefore needed to discover such technologies and to maintain them in working order. This study was conducted on a 15th century historical Turkish bath, Şengül Hamamı, in Ankara for assessment of its water supply and drainage systems. These systems comprised of hot and cold-water supply, wastewater and rainwater drainage,...
Citation Formats
N. A. G. Z. Börekçi, “Tarihi Kent Dokusunu Yansıtan Kent Mobilyası Ailesi Çalıştayı Sonuçlarının Sunumu,” 2016, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/70606.