Retirement counseling.



Earnings inequality between genders in Turkey
Dayıoğlu, Meltem; Kasnakoğlu, Zehra; Department of Economics (1995)
Aging, illness representaion, and health behaviors
Bozo, Özlem; Eker, Doğan; Department of Psychology (2001)
Vocational Interests toward complex occupations make a difference in STEM work life.
Toker, Yonca (2018-04-19)
The STEM Interest Complexity Measure, measuring interests toward complex tasks under the realistic and investigative work environments, was investigated with employed engineering-scientist and technol-ogist-technician samples. Interest levels were higher for the higher complexity engineering-scientist sample. Interest and work criteria associations were again higher for the high-complexity sample.
Leisure constraints and negotiation strategies in tourism recreation: a comperative research with different cultures
Tek, Tolga; Koçak, Mehmet Settar; Department of Physical Education and Sports (2018)
The main problem of this study was to describe perceived constraints encountered and negotiation strategies utilized by foreign tourists in a recreational sport setting in different regions of Turkey. Moreover, discreteness in negotiation was examined according to gender, participation, the level and type of perceived constraint encountered. A questionnaire was conducted to a sample of randomly selected foreign tourists in different regions from Turkey. The modification study of Leisure Constraints Question...
Cardiovascular disease risk factors: A cause indicator measurement model for older Americans
Bozo Özen, Özlem (2005-10-01)
Citation Formats
D. Canel Çınarbaş, “Retirement counseling.,” 2003, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: