Marx ve Durkheim da Toplumsalın Gizemi



Alienation in Marx and Baudrilliard
Yelman, Sirel; Ceylan, Yasin; Department of Philosophy (2012)
Alienation is a one of the central concepts in Marx’s philosophy. It has positive and negative implications regarding man’s self realization in nature. It is also about discussion on ontology of work. Moreover, it has led Marx to design new society models for human beings. Alienation in Marx is analyzed together with political economy and its concepts. Baudrilliard’s alienation discourses in contemporary age include arguments in terms of consumerism and technology in today’s developed world. While Marx’s th...
Marx, Engels and internationalism : rethinking the nineteenth century national liberation movements within the marxist framewor
Oktaykan, Can Berk; Okyayuz, Mehmet; Pelizzon, Sheila Margaret; Department of Political Science and Public Administration (2014)
Nationalism, a phenomenon that has played a marked role throughout the entire Labor History, has always functioned as a means of stratification within the ranks of labor. It is, in that vein, the argument of this work that the Marxist imperfection in the face of rising national currents in the first half of the nineteenth century came into being owing to two primary shortcomings. First, the practical issues pertaining to the position of the national working classes within the world division of labor giving ...
Marx's critique of Hegel : stages in Marx's appropriation of dialectic
Kılınç, Doğan Barış; Turan, Şeref Halil; Department of Philosophy (2013)
The purpose of this thesis is to trace Marx’s critique of Hegel from the beginning to the end and to draw attention to his continuous dialogue with Hegel, which results in Marx’s appropriation of Hegel’s dialectic in all its aspects. To this aim, we will focus on the texts in which Marx criticizes Hegel and try to understand how he develops his position against Hegel’s philosophy. Marx has always become in a critical relationship with Hegel’s philosophy and considered it as a philosophy which must be transc...
Marks ve Oryantalizmin Sonu
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (Kaynak Yayıncılık, 1984-02-01)
Eski Oryantalizmin, Weber sosyolojisinin ve ATÜT'çü "Marksist" yaklaşımının, Ortadoğu toplumlarını ve İslamiyeti tarihin genel yasaları dışındaki bir benzersizlik gibi ele alışlarının eleştirisi. Sınıfsızlık, devrimsizlik ve sınıflarüstü bürokrasi teorilerini olsun; Avrupa'nın "sivil toplum" kurumlarını düz ve kesintisiz bir evrim içimde oluşturduğu, Doğu'nun ise bu noktaya Batı'yı taklit edeceğine tarihi "zorladığı" için kendi azgelişmişliğini büsbütün ağırlaştırdığı yolundaki "modernleşme" modelini olsun ...
Marksizm Bir Bilim mi Yoksa Bir Devrim mi? (L. Colletti)
Keskinok, Hüseyin Çağatay (1993-01-01)
Citation Formats
Ç. Topal, “Marx ve Durkheim da Toplumsalın Gizemi,” 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: