“Dangerous Liaisons: Non-Muslim Courtesans and Ottoman Muslim Men or Ethnicity and Gender in the Early Turkish Novels”



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‘Don’t look at what they do, look at why they do it’: Employers, Trade Unions and Power Resources in Sweden
Tsarouhas , Dimitris (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2007-12-1)
Over the last decade, Swedish labour relations have attracted relatively little scholarly attention, not least due to their ‘normalization’ along the lines of continental European practices. This article argues that the Swedish Model of labour concertation and social partnership has survived the turbulence of the 1990s, and the main reason for that is the salient power resources that uniosn and social democrats have retianed. The Model’s recent resurgence is intimately linked to the ability of the trade uni...
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“Construction custodian” existed starting from the early stages of the Ottoman Empire to its final periods, a position which occupied a special importance in the organization of construction activity. It is remarkable that he field of activity of construction custodian, which initially started as an office duty, extended to the fields of “architecture” and “contractor” services. The job description of the construction custodian, which sometimes overlapps with the job of the imperial chief architect, necessi...
Citation Formats
H. Yıldız Bağçe, ““Dangerous Liaisons: Non-Muslim Courtesans and Ottoman Muslim Men or Ethnicity and Gender in the Early Turkish Novels”,” 2007, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/73168.