Phases of Urban Development in Ankara From Cooperative to Exclusionary Regeneration



Challenges of Safe Urban Speed Management in Developing Countries
Türe Kibar, Funda; Tüydeş Yaman, Hediye (2019-06-20)
Turkey, as one of the middle-income countries, is facing with an increasing motorization in the last decades. This situation also causes a major traffic safety problem on Turkish roads, where 7000+ people lost their lives, and almost 300,000 people get injured annually. When considering factors causing traffic accidents, ‘speed’ is a complex phenomenon which needs to be examined with more attention and different dimensions. This becomes even more problematic in urban regions that face large migration and th...
Evolving Legal And Institutional Frameworks Of Neoliberal Urban Policies In Turkey
Kayasü, Serap; Yetişkul Şenbil, Emine (2014-01-01)
Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de neoliberal kentsel politikaların yasal ve kurumsal yapısının son otuz yılda geçirdiği değişimler incelenmektedir. İncelemede merkezi ve yerel yönetimler arasındaki yetki ve güç kaymalarına vurgu yapılarak, farklı toplumsal aktörlerin karar verme süreçlerine katılımına dikkat çekilmektedir. Türkiye’de farklı aşamalarla biçimlenen neoliberal kentsel politikalar, çekilme (roll-back) ve açılma (roll-out) aşamaları kapsamında tartışılmaktadır (Peck ve Tickell, 2002). Birinci aşama, 1980’l...
Implementations of second group building in Bursa alternative proposals for conservation and rehabilitation of the traditional building interiors
Kaya, Önder; Asatekin, Gül; Department of Architecture (1993)
Problems of water management in post-Soviet Central Asia
Şamlı, Emre; Köksal, Pınar; Department of Eurasian Studies (2017)
This thesis examines the water-related problems that took place among the Central Asian Republics when the centrally-managed ‘water-energy nexus’ broke down with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The problems in the region are analyzed in terms of the two transboundary waters of Amu Darya and Syr Darya. While Tajikistan wants to build the Rogun Dam on Amu Darya, Kyrgyzstan tries to establish the Kambarata Dam-1 on Syr Darya. However, these attempts have been criticized by Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan becaus...
Prospects of Large Scale Energy Storage in Turkey- Pumped Hydro and Electrochemical Energy Storage
Öztürk, Tayfur; Aydın, İsmail; Aydınol, Mehmet Kadri (null; 2018-04-28)
Citation Formats
A. Topal Yılmaz, “Phases of Urban Development in Ankara From Cooperative to Exclusionary Regeneration,” 2014, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: