Organizational culture and driver behaviors: A study with professional drivers



Örgütsel Alt Kültürler ve Kaynakları: Bir Sanayi Firmasında Görgül Bir Araştırma
Danışman, Ali; Özgen, Hüseyin (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (Ankara, Turkey), 2008-12)
Bu çalısmada, örgütlerin homojen değer ve anlayıslar yanında farklı kültürleri de içinde barındırdığı görüşünden hareketle, Türkiye’de faaliyette bulunan bir firmada ne tür alt kültürlerin hangi kaynaklara bağlı olarak ortaya çıktığı araştırılmaktadır. Bunun için, büyük bir sanayi firmasının beyaz yakalı personeli üzerinde anket yöntemi kullanılarak elde edilen verilerden yararlanılmıştır. Yedi kültürel boyut üzerinde yapılan kümeleme analizi sonucunda güç kültürü ve profesyonel kültür şeklinde ifade edileb...
Organizational safety culture driver behaviours and driving skills A study with professional drivers
Öz, Bahar; Özkan, Türker (2009-07-10)
Organizational trust, organizational identification, and organizational cynicism: a research on white colors
Yakın, Burçak; Sökmen, Alptekin; Bıyık, Yunus (2017-07-01)
Organizational trust, organizational identification and organizationalcynicism are attractive issues for organizationalbehaviorresearchersbecauce of possible pozitive and negative affects on bothindividual and organizational performance and productivity. All of themwereused as research variables in manystudieswithdifferentsamples. For thisreason, the aim of thisstudyis to examine the relationshipbetweenorganizational trust (OT), organizationalide...
Organizational memory in construction companies : a case based reasoning model as an organizational learning tool
Özorhon, Beliz; Dikmen Toker, İrem; Department of Civil Engineering (2004)
Companies struggle against complex and dynamic conditions in order to survive in their business settings. Being in the knowledge era, learning has been accepted as one of the main sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Organizational learning (OL) is a set of activities to obtain organizational memory (OM) by acquiring, sharing, interpreting, integrating and institutionalizing knowledge. OM is exploited by the companies in strategic decision-making process, which makes OL a critical concept. The majo...
Organizational risk: a multidimensional perspective
Topal, Çağrı (null; 2014-09-17)
In this study we address the question of what issues organizational actors focus on when constructing organizational risks. The past research portrays the actors as attending to a specific risk source or outcome when giving meaning to risks and thus organizational risk seems to be a simple, one-dimensional, phenomenon. The study shows that the actors attend to multiple and interrelated issues including project, concerns or outcomes, measures or plans, consultations, other organizational actors, and organiza...
Citation Formats
B. Öz and T. Özkan, “Organizational culture and driver behaviors: A study with professional drivers,” 2006, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: