What Works Best in Teacher Induction Supports? A Critical Look at the Professional Learning of Beginning Teachers

VIIth International EurasianEducational Research Congress ONLINE, 10 - 13 September 2020


What Makes a Good Mentor in Practicum ?
Gürbüz, Nurdan (2009-05-01)
What predicts student teacher self efficacy
Çapa Aydın, Yeşim (2005-02-01)
This descriptive survey study investigated student teachers' sources of self-efficacy. Using simultaneous regression, we predicted student teachers' sense of efficacy using their relationship with mentors, amount of field experiences, and teaching support. The regression equation accounted for 27% of the variance in efficacy scores. Highly efficacious student teachers in this sample tended to have less teaching experience, but a more positive relationship with their mentors and more teaching support.
Which Shape Representation Is the Best for Real-Time Hand Interface System?
Genc, Serkan; Atalay, Mehmet Volkan (2009-12-02)
Hand is a very convenient interlace for immersive human-computer interaction. Users can give commands to a computer by hand signs (hand postures, hand shapes) or hand movements (hand gestures). Such a hand interface system can be realized by using cameras as input devices, and software for analyzing the images. In this hand interface system, commands are recognized by analyzing the hand shapes and its trajectories in the images. Therefore, success of the recognition of hand shape is vital and depends on the...
What determines the sibling conflict resolution strategies of adolescents? parents, siblings, or temperament
Bayram, Huri Gül; Kazak Berument, Sibel; Department of Psychology (2014)
The main purpose of the current study is to examine the role of siblings’ temperamental traits (effortful control, negative affect, and depressive mood), parenting practices (maternal closeness, support, and conflict, maternal differential control), and younger siblings’ conflict resolution strategies in the prediction of adolescent older siblings’ conflict resolution strategies. Another aim is to investigate whether these relations vary depending on the younger siblings' gender. Participants were 9th grade...
What Motivates Learners in a MOOC: Bilgeİş Case
Çelik, Berkan; Eşfer, Sezin; Çağıltay, Kürşat (null; 2018-05-04)
Citation Formats
S. Tekir, “What Works Best in Teacher Induction Supports? A Critical Look at the Professional Learning of Beginning Teachers,” presented at the VIIth International EurasianEducational Research Congress ONLINE, 10 - 13 September 2020, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2020, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/80040.