Modern Architecture in the Middle East: Beyond Tradition and Development



Tarihi Dokuda Yarışma Yoluyla Üretilmiş Modern Mimarlık Ürünleri: Hükümet Konakları Örneği (1965-1985)
Bülbül Bahtiyar, Tuba; Yaldız, Esra (Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture, 2021-12-01)
Tarihsel süreç içerisinde bir uygarlığın, bir gelişmenin, tarihi bir olayın tanıklığını yapan yerleşmeler ve yapılar tarihi çevreleri oluşturmaktadır. Bu alanlarda mevcut kimliği oluşturan yapıların korunması ve süreç içerisinde kentsel bütünlüğün devamlılığının sağlanması, yeni eklenen mimari katmanlar ile birlikte ele alınmasını gerekli kılmaktadır. 20. yüzyılda özellikle kent merkezlerinde tarihi dokuda birçok yeni yapı inşa edilmiştir. Bu yapılardan yarışma yolu ile inşa edilen kamu yapıları, bulundukla...
Modern and historic structures' failure modes with regards to design mistakes strength depreciation and nature's forces
Türer, Ahmet (null; 2015-09-07)
Building structures, regardless from being historic or contemporary, has always sought a basic balance between material capacity and effects of loads on the members. Recently engineer face challenges with longer spans, taller buildings, deeper excavations, but sometimes the most basic violated principles would cause collapses and human losses. Additional challenges are faced by natural disasters occurring more frequent and severe probably exceeding specifications and guidelines. This presentation discusses ...
Modern urban utopias and the case of Dubai
Gökçek, Esin Soydemir; Sargın, Güven Arif; Department of Architecture (2011)
Is the concept of the urban utopia now defunct? This is a study of the modern urban utopias of the late 20th century, investigated their recent qualities in respect to capitalist mode of production. Accordingly, a recent example, that of Dubai, will be studied and its rapid growth over the last 20 years will be questioned. The primary objective of this thesis is to provide an understanding of how and to what extent flexible accumulation requires a spatial fix, in particular in new geographies, and mobilizes...
Modern Theatre in Russia Tradition Building and Transmission Processes (Book Review)
Pamir Dietrich, Ayşe (2022-01-01)
This book is about the history of Russian theater tradition and practice, and consists of six chapters. In the first chapter, Introduction, the writer gives a brief sketch of Russian theater tradition in the 19th century and how this tradition was transmitted to the 20th century, and explains what cultural transmission means. Aquilina introduces his methods and the outlines of his study. He states that he will examine Stanislavsky, Meyerhold, Smyshlaev, Kerzhentsev and the Proletkultists to analyze the trad...
Modernity in Question?: Postmodern Historiography in Martin Amis’s Time’s Arrow
Nazli, Elzem (null; 2017-04-12)
Citation Formats
T. E. Altan and A. B. Özkaya, “Modern Architecture in the Middle East: Beyond Tradition and Development,” DOCOMOMO Journal, pp. 0–0, 2006, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: