An Overview of 25 Years in the Menderes Massif, Western Turkey



An Overview of Knowledge Management in METU Science and Technology Museum
Rashıd, Ibrahım Y; Fırat, Seçkin; Çağan, Ferhat; Doğan, Rıza; Gürbüz, Tarkan (null; 2008-05-01)
AKKOK, F (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1994-06-01)
Parents are significant contributors to the development of their children. They are the primary caretakers, managers, behavior models, disciplinarians, and agents of socialization and change for their children. It is accepted that parents can be trained as effective teachers of their children with disabilities. In Turkey, there are very limited opportunities, services, schools, parent education and support services for children with disabilities and their parents. Therefore, we have been carrying out studie...
An Overview Of Iranian Ice Repositories, An Example Of Traditional Indigenous Architecture
Namazian, Ali; Hosseini, Bahareh (Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2012-12-1)
Bu makale İran yöresel mimarisindeki bazı antik buz depolarının yerinin keşfedilmesi yönünde bir çabadır. İran yöresel mimarisinin en temel özelliklerinden biri sert çevresel etkenlerle baş etmek için basit ama ustaca tekniklerin kullanılmasıdır. İran’ın sıcak ve kurak ikliminde dayanıksız yiyecek maddelerinin korunması ve sıcak havalarda buzun depolanması, yaşamın sürdürülebilmesi için önemli bir konuydu. Atalarımız bu konuyu yaratıcı bir çözümle ele almışlardı; buz deposu ya da yöresel adıyla Yakçal, İran...
An overview of biodiversity and conservation status of steppes of the Anatolian Biogeographical Region
Ambarlı, Didem; Zeydanlı, Uğur Siyami; Balkız, Özge; Aslan, Serdar; Karaçetin, Evrim; Sözen, Mustafa; Ilgaz, Çetin; Ergen, Arzu Gursoy; Lise, Yıldıray; Caglayan, Semiha Demirbas; Welch, Hilary Joy; Welch, Geoff; Turak, Ayşe Suzan; Bilgin, Cemal Can; Özkil, Aydan; Vural, Mecit (2016-11-01)
The Anatolian Biogeographical Region is unique in the Palearctic realm, with high plant and butterfly species richness and populations of globally threatened birds, mammals and herptiles (amphibians and reptiles). It is a place of diverse land-use practices, dating back to the earliest farming practices in the world. Among 10,930 species of vascular plants, birds, butterflies, mammals and herptiles distributed in Turkey, we identified 1130 living predominantly in steppic environments and being classified ei...
An Overview on Rigid Pavement Specifications in Developed Countries
Şengün, Emin; Yaman, İsmail Özgür; Ceylan, Halil (2016-01-01)
As any engineering structure, for the highway pavement design and construction a series of technical, economic and environmental factors is considered before the material selection. The technical factors involve physical, chemical, and mechanical features, the ease of construction work, construction duration, durability requirements and the safety and comfort of the selected materials under service and environmental conditions. On the other side, the initial cost and the life cycle cost are among the econom...
Citation Formats
E. Bozkurt, “An Overview of 25 Years in the Menderes Massif, Western Turkey,” 2019, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: