Ortadoğu’xxda İslam ve siyaset



Ortadoğu da Bölgesel Düzen ve Arap Baharı
Altunışık, Meliha (2013-05-01)
Since the end of the Cold War, what kind of a new regional system would appear in parallel with this important change in international system in the Middle East both has been discussed in intellectual terms, and also has led to major power struggles among regional and external actors. This process has been affected both by international developments such as the 9/11 attacks and also by the changes taking place in the region. The U.S., which became a dominant power in the international system and in the regi...
Problematizing territoriality and identity in the Middle East the case of Iraq
Topal, Ömer Faruk; Tayfur, Mehmet Fatih; Department of International Relations (2015)
This thesis analyzes the role of territory in the formation of the national identity and state sovereignty. In particular it seeks to address territory’s place on the formation of state and national identity in Iraq. It examines the historical development of the territoriality, territorially-bounded state and territory-inspired nationalism in the Middle East and in Iraq. The thesis argues that state territoriality is a socially constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed and it is affected by and shaper of...
Ortadoğu’da Modern Aktivizm: İranlı aktivistler örneği
Göçer Akder, Derya; Özdemir, Zelal(2016-12-31)
Son yıllarda dünya ve Ortadoğu'da toplumsal hareketlenmelerin sayısının arttığı ve biçimlerinin değiştiği iddia edilmektedir. İran'da Yeşil Hareket ve daha da yeni olarak nükleer anlaşmayı destekleyen (sayıları daha az da olsa anlaşmaya karşı çıkanlar mevcut) toplumsal hareketlenme de bu modern aktivist biçimine dahil edilmektedir. Küresel konuların yerel ve ulusötesi bir şekilde örgütlenerek ele alındığı bu sivil hareketlilik hem ampirik hem de kavramsal/kuramsal boyutlarıyla araştırılacaktır. Projeyle ilg...
Ortadoğu ve Dış Politika: Arap Ülkeleri ve İsrail
Altunışık, Meliha (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2022-05-01)
Terrorism in the Middle East : a comparison of Al-Qaeda and Hamas
Temel, Sevinç Ebru; Dietrich, Richard; Department of Middle East Studies (2019)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze al-Qaeda and Hamas, which are two of the organizations that come to mind when it comes to terrorist activities in Middle East, compare them under headings including their ideologies, goals, spheres of influence, their position in the international arena, and, finally, introduce a new and realistic approach to the perception of terrorism in the Middle East by revealing the mistaken belief and ideas about Hamas. It is seen that there has appeared a tendency of using terror...
Citation Formats
İ. D. Dağı, Ortadoğu’xxda İslam ve siyaset. 2002.