Problematizing territoriality and identity in the Middle East the case of Iraq

Topal, Ömer Faruk
This thesis analyzes the role of territory in the formation of the national identity and state sovereignty. In particular it seeks to address territory’s place on the formation of state and national identity in Iraq. It examines the historical development of the territoriality, territorially-bounded state and territory-inspired nationalism in the Middle East and in Iraq. The thesis argues that state territoriality is a socially constructed, deconstructed and reconstructed and it is affected by and shaper of human actions and consciousness. Focusing on the transformations of territoriality that Iraq has experienced, the thesis reveals the difference between Iraq as geographical land and Iraq as a political territory.


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Dinç, Deniz; Şen, Mustafa; Kuşçu Bonnenfant, Işık; Department of International Relations (2017)
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Citation Formats
Ö. F. Topal, “Problematizing territoriality and identity in the Middle East the case of Iraq,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2015.