Urban design project for the conservation of Balıkpazarı Junction,Antalya Citadel.

Engiz, Alper Erden


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Urban development and architectural proposal for a mixed-use subcenter development for Ankara: Balgat-Söğütözü subcenter
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Urban growth and conservation problematic in Muğla, Karabağlar
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Karabaglar is a rural area where agricultural community lives and which locates in the vicinity of Mugla town. It was registered as third grade natural site that must be preserved according to its rural character, natural and cultural assets and rural life. Property pattern consisting of private ownerships (yurts), specific road network that emerges from irims and kesiks, traditional houses, variety of vegetation, abundant water, self-sufficient agricultural production, and traditional life style are the ma...
Urban image and morphology of Kızılay (Ankara)
Gölgelioğlu, Can; Günay, Baykan; Department of City and Regional Planning (2014)
This dissertation presents an alternative method for designing distinctive urban places, where the physical forms are in harmony with social and historical values, within the concerns of urban design. Kızılay, the central business district of Turkey’s capital, is selected as the case study because of the significant structure in relation to its changing morphology and urban image over the years. Using the gestalt principles, the components of urban morphology and urban image elements are evaluated in an int...
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Citation Formats
A. E. Engiz, “Urban design project for the conservation of Balıkpazarı Junction,Antalya Citadel.,” Middle East Technical University, 1996.