Symbolic Place Making and the Emergence of Sedentism in the Early Neolithic of South East Anatolia A review of evidence and a New Interpretive Framework



Symbol space and meaning in hittite architecture
Onurlu, Sema; Güven, Suna Naziyet; Department of History of Architecture (2004)
The importance of the Hittites derives from the fact that they were an organized central power extending over a large territory within which a number of societies maintained their language, culture and traditions. The archaeological findings of Hattusha, the Hittite capital reveal that the city had reached its maximum limits during the Great Kingdom period and the most magnificient and monumental buildings of the city are dated to this period. Yazilikaya, the open air sanctuary which reached to its final fo...
Symbolic boundaries and social capital mobilization among low-income workers in Sincan, Turkey
Uyanık, İbrahim Kaan; Rittersberger Tılıç, Helga İda; Department of Sociology (2018)
This thesis explores how low-income workers mobilize their social capital in the labor market. Distinguishing accessed social capital from mobilized social capital, it analyzes the criteria of evaluation which low-income workers in their decision to give hand to their connections in job-finding assistance. It employs the concepts of symbolic boundaries and frames to understand why some individuals are deemed unworthy of helping in the labor market. It argues that symbolic boundaries, conceptual distinctions...
Social differentiation in Çayönü and Abu Hureyra through burial customs and skeletal biology
Erdem, Deniz; Erciyas, Deniz Burcu; Department of Settlement Archaeology (2006)
This thesis aims to investigate the social structure of Neolithic Period. To do this, both physical anthropological and archaeological data are used, and it is sought after whether burial customs and skeleton biology can be a parameter to understand social organization of a concerned area in a given time period. For this thesis the data comes from Abu Hureyra and Çayönü. Quantified data of burial types and grave goods are used in order to create descriptive statistical graphics. Then, correspondence analysi...
Cult buildings in aceramic neolithic Southeast Anatolia: a case study of Nevali Çori
Şentek, Mina; Summers, Geoffrey; Department of Settlement Archaeology (2005)
First settlements in Southeast Anatolia begun to appear as early as 10000 BC. Among all the unanswered questions about this early period, cult-related activities and cult buildings are widely studied due to their nature, which has strong connections with the social organization and early symbolism. During the last decade, Southeast Anatolia has provided new evidence for this early stage of development in human history. This study aims to examine cult buildings that have common characteristics; how they were...
Symbolic interactionism and language teaching
Eröz Tuğa, Betil (Nüans Yayıncılık, 2015-01-01)
Citation Formats
Ç. Atakuman, “Symbolic Place Making and the Emergence of Sedentism in the Early Neolithic of South East Anatolia A review of evidence and a New Interpretive Framework,” 2014, vol. 1, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: