Understanding an abandoned village and assessing values in the context of conservation: Sazak, Karaburun

Odabaşı Kılınç, Banu
There are abandoned rural settlements for various reasons in various geographies in Turkey. The adopted policy does not promote the sustainability of rural life in Turkey today. People living in rural areas migrate to the city due to economic reasons, lack of health and education opportunities. However, migration of urban intellectuals to rural areas is also seen. The fact that people who lead rural life leave their places to urban intellectuals, paves the way for the process of de-identification of rural life. Karaburun peninsula is a rural area with abandoned settlements. The abandonment process, which started with the exchange, continued due to economic and physical difficulties and disasters in peninsula. The settled population of Karaburun decreased until the beginning of 2000s. In the last 10 years, with the developing transportation facilities, urban intellectuals started to migrate to peninsula. For Karaburun peninsula, this uncontrolled transformation may lead to gentrification and loss of the rural identity. Sazak is an abandoned village, whose population was almost totally Rums, in Karaburun. Since its abandonment, Sazak has been ignored, and left to its own destiny. However, there is a serious demand, creating the threat of losing its identity, for tourism in Sazak after it was registered as an "urban site" in 2019. Therefore, this thesis aims to understand Sazak village and to assess its values in the context of conservation. In addition, a value assessment process is conducted for future conservation activities of Sazak to take into account its identity and spirit of place.


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Citation Formats
B. Odabaşı Kılınç, “Understanding an abandoned village and assessing values in the context of conservation: Sazak, Karaburun,” M.S. - Master of Science, Middle East Technical University, 2021.