Osborne'un Öfke'sine Lacancı Bir Yaklaşım

The Journal of Linguistics and Literature


The effect of SN content and isothermal transformation temperature on the mechanical properties of austempered ductile cast iron
Özcan, Alper; Atala, Haluk; Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (2003)
In this study the effects of Sn content and isothermal transformation temperature on the ultimate tensile strength (UTS), elongation and hardness of austempered ductile cast iron (ADI) was investigated. To determine the possible effect of Sn on these properties the Sn content of standard GGG30, GGG40 and GGG50 materials were taken as reference, whose chemical compositions vary from 0,016 to 0,050% in terms of Sn. However the Sn content was increased to a maximum of 0,26% for investigating the effect of Sn o...
Parameter estimation in merton jump diffusion model
Özdemir, Tuğcan Adem; Vardar Acar, Ceren; Department of Statistics (2019)
Over the years, jump diffusion models become more and more important. They areused for many purposes in several branches such as economics, biology, chemistry,physics, and social sciences. The reason for prevalent usage of these jump modelsis that they capture stochastic movements and they are sensitive to jump points. It ispossible to measure sudden decreases/increases caused by some reasons such as wars,natural disasters, market crashes or some dramatic news, by jump diffusion models.Recently, US Dolla...
Appropriateness of a cognitive approach to Donald Davidson's meaning theory
Ağoğlu, Eser; Sayan, Erdinç; Department of Philosophy (2008)
The purpose of this study is to discuss the appropriateness of a cognitive approach to Donald Davidson's meaning theory. Davidson makes the bold proposal that a truth theory, modified for a natural language, may be treated as a meaning theory for that language. According to Davidson, a meaning theory is an empirical theory. Radical Interpretation is at the center of such an empirical inquiry which places restrictions on the truth theory to make it suitable as a meaning theory without appeal to semantic noti...
Arthur Danto’s ontology of aesthetics upon pop art
İsmet, Burçak; Parkan, Barış; Department of Philosophy (2014)
The main objective of this dissertation is to examine Arthur Danto’s method of indiscernibles in his theory of aesthetics. In order to explicate this conception, Danto’s method of indiscernibles is elucidated by means of Andy Warhol’s works of Pop Art. Through this study Danto’s critical approach against traditional realism in philosophy of art is examined and Danto’s renewed solution for the reality problem of artworks is exposed with the acquaintance of Warhol’s art. After the examination of Danto’s use o...
Tüvenan ve yıkanmış linyitlerin yanma etkinliklerinin belirlenmesi
Hiçyılmaz, Cahit; Kök, Mustafa Verşan; Bilgen, Sedat; Özbaş, Kazım Eşber; Karacan, Özgen(1997-07-01)
Bu araştırmada TKİ Ege Bölgesi Linyitleri işletmesi'ne ait Soma, Garp Linyitleri İşletmesi'ne ait Tunçbilek kömür numunelerinin ve TEAS Afşin-Elbistan Linyitleri işletmesi'ne ait Elbistan kömür numunesinin hem tüvenan hem de yıkandıktan sonra, yanma etkinlikleri Termogravimetri (TG/DTG) ve Türevsel Taramalı Kalorimetri (DSC) ile belirlenmiştir. Yanma etkinliklerinin belirlenebilmesi için sağlanan linyit numuneleri, çeneli kırıcı kullanılarak kontrollü olarak kırılmış ve -30+18 mm, -18+10 mm, -10+0.5 mm, -0....
Citation Formats
N. Birlik, “Osborne’un Öfke’sine Lacancı Bir Yaklaşım,” The Journal of Linguistics and Literature, pp. 83–95, 2004, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/11511/89825.