Religious Education in Turkey or the "Conflict of Two Turkey"

Annuaire du Droit et Religions


Religious Communities, Secularism and Security in Turkey
Ayata, Ayşe (1999-01-01)
Religious Communities, Secularism and Security in Turkey
Ayata, Ayşe (1999-11-01)
Religious Diversity and Secular Models in Europe – Innovative Approaches to Law and Policy (RELIGARE)
Tanyeri Erdemir, Tuğba(2013-4-30)
RELIGARE starts from the idea of equality and how it is challenged by the increasing diversity of religions and other convictions that are transforming Europe. The EU’s expansion, together with important migration fluxes, partly explains this increasing diversity. A growing number of citizens, many of whom are new EU citizens, now hold beliefs and values different from the majority. One observes that individuals and groups today are claiming recognition of their (religious) identity in their family life, th...
Religious Networks of the Turkish State in Europe
Çıtak Aytürk, Zana Ayşe (2015-06-19)
Religious Revival and Deprivatization in Post-Soviet Georgia: Reculturation of Orthodox Christianity and Deculturation of Islam
Köksal, Pınar; Aydıngün, Ayşegül; Gürsoy Erdenay, Hazar Ege (2019-06-01)
The countries of the former Soviet Union witnessed a religious revivalism in the final years of the regime, although following the collapse, the revivals of the different faith communities have had different characteristics. This article discusses the nature of the desecularization and deprivatization processes of both the Orthodox Christian Georgians and the Muslim minorities in Georgia. Based on field researches and indepth interviews conducted with elites and experts, it is argued that the revival of Ort...
Citation Formats
Z. A. Çıtak Aytürk, “Religious Education in Turkey or the “Conflict of Two Turkey”,” Annuaire du Droit et Religions, pp. 321–335, 2012, Accessed: 00, 2021. [Online]. Available: