Organizatonal and instutitional integration of the Gecekondu Dwellers into the organized urban structures in Ankara

İnal, Kemal


Spatial formation of Turkish small towns and a case: Mudurnu
Uludağ, Orhan; Günay, Baykan; Department of City Planning (1990)
Evoluation of Bayramoğlu suburban settlement within the context of development of metropolitan İstanbul: 1955-1985
Güzey, Özlem; Şenyapılı, Tansı; Department of City Planning (1991)
Institutionalisation of human rights in Turkey in the context of international assessment mechanisms
Çakır, Çağrı; Göksel, Asuman; Department of European Studies (2013)
The thesis aims to analyse the process of institutionalization of human rights in Turkey, by assessing the nature of the institutions with the focus on the dynamics forcing Turkey to establish a totally new structure devoted to human rights. In line with this aim, firstly worldwide development of institutionalization in the area of human rights is examined. The process of accession to EU has been a strong impetus for Turkey to ensure the compliance with the Copenhagen political criteria and to undertake leg...
Integration of urban archaeological resources to everyday life in the historic city centers tarragona, verona and tarsus
Alpan, Açalya; Tuna, Numan; Urban Design in City and Regional Planning Department (2005)
The recent developments in urban conservation and urban archaeology have given considerable importance to the presentation of urban archaeological remains to the public in order to raise public awareness for conservation. Parallel to this, in the last decade, urban planners have begun to seek for alternatives for creating sustainable places with the emphasis on sustainable urban development. These two goals of different disciplines meet themselves in the integration of urban archaeological remains to modern...
Intergenerational solidarity networks of instrumental and cultural transfers within migrant families in Turkey
Kalaycioglu, S; Rittersberger, Helga İda (2000-09-01)
Over the last fifty years, the pattern of family life in Turkey has been seriously affected by migration. Despite this, there remains a high degree of solidarity typified by transfers of income, material goods and cultural mores between and within family generations. This article is based on the life histories of fifteen migrant families living in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey. In-depth interviews were used to collect information about at least three generations in each family. Information was collecte...
Citation Formats
K. İnal, “Organizatonal and instutitional integration of the Gecekondu Dwellers into the organized urban structures in Ankara,” Middle East Technical University, 1992.